New with Snapmaker

We have just run Snapmaker and we are impressed :slight_smile:
It’s very easy and fast to assemble, setup and run.
Printing calibration is also easy but I was a little afraid of nozzle hitting table.

I have several insights:

I’ve updated the firmware to newest version from your website.
But I have found that progress bar and elapsed time are not updating. We have 0h 0m all the time.

There is also, in my opinion, missing information what to do with filament after printing. There is information what to do to change filament but I don’t know what to do when printing has ended.

We followed change filament procedure to remove filament after the end of printing and we jammed one nozzle this way.

I think that software should automatically find the printer. For laser engraving, I was able to choose wrong COM port and get the connection. So the Snapmakre was not responding.

I was trying to print something more complex and I have found that supports are not the best. Sometimes they are too thick. I have a model where supports are an almost same strength as a supported model. So the model breaks at removing supports.
On another side, something went wrong and a part of a model felt. I need to investigate it.

There is a link to my file “ponicorn.stl”. Wings get too strong supports and the tail end fell off. So you can try it. I downscale model 50%.!Apg18F2BDFfH9THqgQEg8l4wQxWj

There should be more possibilities to have an influence on supports. Perhaps possibility to choose parameters for specific areas.

Is it possible to use different slicer?

According to touch screen. Touch areas are to close and too large. It’s very easy to press the wrong button. Buttons sizes are OK, only touch areas should be smaller.

I’m using filament atached to printer. Results looking OK but after measurements I realize that dimmensions are incorrect. Is there any guide how to improve final printed model accuracy?

Best Regards,

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Hi @SteveWoz, glad you’re having fun with your Snapmaker. It is a wonderful piece of machine.

Some leave the spool on the printer after printing so it’s ready to go for the next print. Although if you’re not going to be printing for a while, I recommend you remove the spool and store it somewhere dry.

Yes, you may use other slicers to generate your g-code files. Personally I use Cura for more complex prints that need support. Simplify3D is also popular among users in this forum.

Have fun with your printer,