Moving A350 from US to UK

Hi everyone, I’m looking for feedback/advice on moving my A350 (with enclosure) to the UK from the US. I know some parts are sensitive so I plan to pack (or carry them in checked luggage?) separately. Has anyone made such a long distance move with their Snapmaker? Let me know what you think I should be focused on for this move. Thanks!

If you are flying, check the packing instructions from your airline (some have counterintuitive requirements)

Typically the real issues are lithium batteries, but I dont think that are any in the Snapmaker.

Don’t carry CNC cutting blades in carry-on.

Otherwise, it could always happen airport security asks you what the parts are or to see proof of purchase (so you are not e.g. intending to seel the device in a tax relevant setup), but if it is US to UK you should not have any language barrier making that more complicated.

All in all, get the paperwork ready, ready the airline’s packing instructions, and you should be fine.

And don’t forget the obvious problems arising from the switch from ~110V to ~220V mains wiring with different plug receptacles when you get there. (Presumably you already know that if you go back and forth regularly, but I’ve seen people do some Really Stupid Things.)

Thanks for the feedback. The unit will be shipped via boat but I need to make sure the movers pack it correctly. I could take the sensitive parts (tool heads, android device control) if needed, in my checked luggage. Good point about security and resale concerns, but I think I’m ok having owned it for over a year. Thanks again!

And yes, I checked the AC converter (it works!) and I will get a new wall cable. I’ve had to sell other electronics that don’t have the right power supply settings, but thankfully this one is a keeper.

If you still have the original packaging I wouldn’t worry about it. It survived the trip from China to your home, it will survive the new trip as well.

Other than that. I am assuming you’re shipping a container anyway (or at least a certain volume) so you have a fixed cost, regardless if it’s full or half full.
If not, what about selling it and buying a new one? No worries about breaking it, no costs for shipping and you get the latest version with all relevant hardware updates.

Thanks. I don’t have the original packaging, and it was originally shipped disassembled (I don’t plan to disassemble it for this trip). I did consider selling and rebuying it, but that would cost an extra $1,000!

That feels like a mistake to me. At least install sturdy bracing around the Z towers, or consider removing the Z towers. The Y on the base plate should be fine.

I agree with @brent113. Definitely disassemble the z-axes (and thus the x-axis as well). Having it being delivered broken will cost you more than selling & rebuying.

I agree. Definitely remove the x and z and the bed.
You can leave the y-rails attached to the base.
You can also leave the controller attached to the z-tower.

The only way I’d leave everything together is if I built a crate that housed and protected everything

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Appreciate the tips. I do have the enclosure, so it looks like a big orange box. Also, I’m using a professional relo service, with insurance. I might tie/strap the Z axis down but do you think I need to disassemble things if they’re inside the enclosure? And maybe “build a crate” is a good idea. I do have some of the foam that the original unit was shipped in, that could cover the outside edges of the enclosure. Thanks again, I’m still weighing options and appreciate all the comments.

The base isn’t attached to the enclosure. It just sits in the little L- brackets. You’ll need to separate them for shipping or find a way to attach both pieces to a solid base like a pallet or a thick piece of plywood.

let them decide how it needs to be packed and if it breaks, hey you get a new machine with updated rails :wink:

(i did relo from UK [reading] to US [seattle] in 2005, where are you moving to?)