Hello everyone,
Has anyone successfully connected the Snapmaker Artisan to the Mosaic Palette 3 Pro?
I would be interested to know if the Snapmaker Artisan can communicate with the Canvas software?
Hello everyone,
Has anyone successfully connected the Snapmaker Artisan to the Mosaic Palette 3 Pro?
I would be interested to know if the Snapmaker Artisan can communicate with the Canvas software?
Does the Tool change command M600 work when inserted into gcode?
Here some reading:
Hello, I have inserted the M600 command in the Gcode. The command causes the extruder to stop and move to the park position.
I can then start printing again on the screen.
Hello Community,
I decided to purchase the Palette 3 Pro from Mosaic, which arrived yesterday.
I connected the Palette to the Snapmaker Artisan via USB, and it was immediately recognized. I was able to remotely control the Artisan using the Palette 3 Pro without any issues!
I then created an account on Cavans (Mosaic’s online software). Unfortunately, the Snapmaker Artisan was not listed as a printer in the selection of printer profiles. Therefore, I had to set up a printer profile for the Snapmaker Artisan. However, this was easily done.
Slicing is carried out in Cavans and can then be directly transferred to the Palette via WiFi. It is also possible to output Gcode and code for the Palette separately and then start both devices separately; I need to try this out. So far, I have only controlled the printing via the Palette, which then starts the Snapmaker.
The print went smoothly even though it was my first attempt! The result was more than satisfactory. The colors were nicely swapped.
I will now do a print with more colors. Up to 8 colors can be loaded in parallel.
Furthermore, I will now build a holder for the Palette. It can also be hung up.
They’ve locked down their forums… can you use the other nozzle for supports still or do you get tied into only using one nozzle? Have you had any issues calibrating it? I know it’s very sensitive due to how it changes colors.
Unfortunately, I can only operate one nozzle with the software from the manufacturer Canvas. The second nozzle cannot be used.
Calibration was very easy. So far I haven’t had any problems changing colors.
That’s unfortunate.
Yes, I will try it once when I use the PrucaSlicer. With an addon you can then create the code for the palette from the Gcode. It would of course be optimal if there was a converter that would then generate the code for the palette from the Gcode. Then you would be independent when it comes to choosing the slicer. I really like using Cura.
That’s neat. It would be nice to mix color on that nozzle and use the second nozzle for supports i what I was thinking.
Have you tried breakaway PLA mixed in with it?
I have just got my Palette 3 Pro and was hoping someone would have had success before I tried. Would you be willing to share your printer profile settings and any other settings that would be good to know. Thanks
Here is the Profil for Snapmaker Artisan with PLA :