I am using Luban as my software and I am cutting simple shapes in 0.030 Polypropylene.
The issue I have is that the thinnest option I see is 1.5mm in Luban and I am 0.75mm. Secondly, this is a repeat job so we are just cutting the same file ove and over.
Sadly after each cut we need to reload the file then refocus for the thickness of the material. Is there no way to just change the material and repeat?
I have the same issue. Need to do 20pcs of the same thing.
I have seen the ability to enter material thinkness in manually but I cannot find it any more.
For repeat runs select manual focus and do not make any changes, just next thru the pages. When the set origin page comes up just select the go to origin button in the bottom middle. Then run it. It should retain the last set origin settings from your initial auto focus run. Just make sure you do not hit set origin or rerun auto focus for subsequent runs. You can make note of the origin settings for initial auto focus run to verify for safety.
Alternative, you can stack your material and cut multi layers. 1mm stock stacked 5 is only 5mm thick and 10w laser and most Cnc bits can easily go that deep. With laser make sure you monitor for any heat or melting between layers if material has air within layers.