Material Test Shifting

Hi All,
I wanted to test engraving on Slat for the first time with my 10W laser. So in cam in very handy that Luban introduced the new Material Testing generation. In my first run I made two test runs with 0.1 and 0.05 line distances. The first Test square cam out good but when the machine started on the second it started shifting upwards with each new row. I tried a third Material Test with lower intensities and it did the same thing again. Any Idea what is going on. I want to try some image engravings next and I am not starting a several hour Engraving with this as a possible outcome. I added a Picture to show what I am talking about.


What speed are you using for laser and for travel? I think that the steppers miss steps due the high travel speed.

What’s your firmware? Maybe beta test firmware?

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The work speeds for all three tests varied from 600 to 7200. The jog speed 4800 mm/min. If it was caused by the speed wouldn’t it also have happened for the first test?

Luban is on 4.15.0 and on the 2.0 I will check when the next run is done but it is definitely not a beta.

It’s depending on the movement, I think 120mm/s is really fast, in this case maybe slowing down the acceleration could help.

May you share your console output of M503 please?

Hi Sorry for the delayed response. I haven’t had a chance to get back at the machine since. The Firmware Version is 1.20.3 and I added the M503 command bellow. I am confused that the first material test (Left worked without issue and the second and third (middle and left) show the drift. Although the speed settings were the same for all.

snapmaker-luban 4.15.0
Connected via Wi-Fi
X:-19.00 Y:332.00 Z:319.00 E:0.00 Count X:0 Y:136800 Z:127600 B:0
Select workspace 0
X:-180.50 Y:161.00 Z:290.62 E:0.00 Count X:0 Y:136800 Z:127600 B:0
G21 ; (mm)
M92 X400.00 Y400.00 Z400.00 B888.89 Current E254.08, BACKUP SINGLE E254.08, BACKUP DUAL E667.22
M203 X100.00 Y100.00 Z40.00 E40.00
M201 X1000.00 Y1000.00 Z400.00 E5000.00
M204 P1000.00 R1250.00 T1000.00
M205 B20000.00 S0.00 T0.00 P0.05 L3.00 C0.05 J0.02
M206 X-19.00 Y-10.00 Z0.00
M218 T1 X26.00 Y0.00 Z-1.500
left_z_compensation: 1.00 right_z_compensation: 1.00
M420 S0 Z0.00
G29 W I0 J0 Z50.00000
G29 W I1 J0 Z50.00000
G29 W I2 J0 Z50.00000
G29 W I3 J0 Z50.00000
G29 W I4 J0 Z50.00000
G29 W I0 J1 Z50.00000
G29 W I1 J1 Z50.00000
G29 W I2 J1 Z50.00000
G29 W I3 J1 Z50.00000
G29 W I4 J1 Z50.00000
G29 W I0 J2 Z50.00000
G29 W I1 J2 Z50.00000
G29 W I2 J2 Z50.00000
G29 W I3 J2 Z50.00000
G29 W I4 J2 Z50.00000
G29 W I0 J3 Z50.00000
G29 W I1 J3 Z50.00000
G29 W I2 J3 Z50.00000
G29 W I3 J3 Z50.00000
G29 W I4 J3 Z50.00000
G29 W I0 J4 Z50.00000
G29 W I1 J4 Z50.00000
G29 W I2 J4 Z50.00000
G29 W I3 J4 Z50.00000
G29 W I4 J4 Z50.00000
M301 E0 P13.00 I0.10 D17.00
M301 E1 P13.00 I0.10 D17.00
M851 Z0.00
M900 T0 K0.20
M900 T1 K0.04

I think your work piece moved itself because it’s shifted square-line per square-line.
Did you protect it against slippery?

From your firmware settings I could say it’s stock and in my opinion not too fast or aggressive.