I was slicing a multi color print for my J1S, and I tried importing an .obj file. When I opened the file in Luban, it said there were errors and I just clicked “repair” and didn’t think anything of it. The “Generate G-code” button lights ups and the settings menu show up, but the model doesn’t appear on the bed. I will upload an image when I’m home
Why not import the G_code file?
Im trying to slice from Luban.
i normally use Orcaslicer but the prime tower is buggy. Prusaslicer’s G-code doesn’t work for the j1, and I hate Cura.
Can’t Orcaslicer (or other program) save as DXF or DGW? I don’t know what files Luban can import.
Those are vector files
I’m 3D printing, not laser/CNC cutting. 3D printing is .stl, .3mf, .obj, and sometimes native cad files like .stp