LUBAN Linux - Laser - can't find the camera option

Hey everyone,

makes me feel a little bit stupid, but i was not able to locate the camera feature (Laser) inside Luban yet. Any guesses what i am doing wrong, or is Camera Support on my setup just not available?

Connection via USB
Laser Module attached and calibrated
Camera green
Luban 3.9.0 on Ubuntu


Camera only works when connected via WiFi.

Thanks @albutch

All: reasons?


There doesnā€™t seem to be much rhyme or reason behind any of the decisions regarding Luban.



Iā€™ll throw out just a thought that it could be a technical limitation - looking through the source I see some indications the camera is running via bluetooth.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s a mechanism for the camera data to go over the USB cable, and the android touchscreen is pulling the data using its own bluetooth module.

sad, but your probably right. sometime i feel like SM only got half way through programing the SM2 and said; ā€œok we are almost done, lets figure out how to package this thing.ā€ but then never went back to finish the programing, lol.

Then, as is the case with large car manufacturers, it is a ā€œbanana productā€. Matures with the customer.
:grin: There are enough makers who can also program. Luban to Github and build a community. :man_mechanic: :woman_student: :woman_scientist: :santa:

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