Luban Issues and Ideas for Update

Sometimes on Luban I can Change Parameters. I have to close and reopen the Luban. Will be great if that would be fixed.

I read some about high speed firmware? Is that a other one?

Will be great to have in Luban the option only on Support the Support Roof print with other extruder. So I can safe pva material and print quicker.

And adjustable layers in Cura anpass schichten verwenden. Will be nice to have.

I thing the J1 runs better with Luban then with Cura. I have the Cura profile from git hub but im not sure about that.


Ich sehe in der Luban Anleitung, dass man die Konsole nutzen kann.
Was soll ich sagen, funktioniert beim J1 nicht.
Ich möchte gerne einige Befehle testen, daher ist eine Konsole notwendig.
Auch die Steuerung, die scheinbar bei den anderen Snapmaker funktionieren sollte, geht beim J1 nicht.

Weder via USB noch im W-LAN Modus.

Via USB bekomme ich nicht einmal eine Verbindung


I see in the Luban manual that you can use the console.
What can I say, doesn’t work on the J1.
I would like to test some commands, so a console is necessary.
The controls that seem to work with the other Snapmakers also don’t work with the J1.

Neither via USB nor in W-LAN mode.

I can’t even connect via USB

you also dont can edit gcodes to build temp towers
coasting mode is missing
linear advance
working console
custom supports
cut function
select custom wall or layer for other extruder
chose extruder for a layer or more

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@Riskey may you can pin that treat too

The translation is just copied from Cura. Please edit it, there is in some description only copy and paste and in Luban are it named as Cura.

May it’s possible to add more settings from Cura that Luban don’t have. Will be very helpful. And give them all the same Name.

A set that you can chose a layer or custom part for the other extruder will great so you can make a 2nd color in the print. Like letters or something.

More edit functions will nice to simple create a 2 color or 2 material print from a Standart print STL in the slicer

And add linear advance. In Cura that works well with the J1

Today i want Print some with 2 Colors. Its in Luban NOT Possible to move a part to the middle of a other. both Parts always placed on the ground, but i will like tp place letters in the middle of a other part. That is not possible

Select all the parts and “align” them. Might have to group them first though i dont remember.

First assign the nozzles to the part.
Select both parts in the object list, then click on align.

In Deutsch:

Erst die DĂŒsen dem Teil zuweisen.
In der Objektliste beide Teile auswÀhlen, dann auf ausrichten klicken.

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You don’t can split it, I can choose in Cura a extruder for a wall or top or bottom, it’s not possible in Luban. I don’t find this setting there. So now I do in Cura. Select extruder for outher wall. :slight_smile:

  1. Provide a physical measurement display option for the X-Y-Z 3D layout.
  2. Provide a way to measure distances on the 3D layout. (Select: point 1, Select: point 2, Display the distance).
  3. The parameter value structure (logic) needs to be reworked. There are 3 storage classes of parameter values: a) Materials, b) Parameters, c) Display. However parameter class management is insufficient and inconsistent. Json files have to be manually edited, without structural definitions of the json parameters.
    If an old print project is opened after parameter changes have been made, there is no way to logically reconcile the differences within the app itself.

It would be nice, if basics would work.
When selecting right extruder for printing
 some settings has to be done via left extruder???
If right extruder will be selected from the model, right click
 there’s some selections, lower left corner, which will override it.
Then, if, for example brim, is not correct, select left extruder for printing, in order to change brim settings for right extruder

Duplicate mode

-right extruder will get left extruder parameters

 don’t know, what was the setting for right one, as I had to lower the feed rate to 50% and still right got clogged.
When feeding/sorting out right one, I can see with my eyes, right flow is thicker.

Got to find out, how to fine tune/check feeding. Via console? From somewhere I got an understanding, it does not work with J1?
If so, how to check/tune parameters?

How do I know, retrack count is full?
There could be some indicator of “used” retracts, in order to fine tune the value.

 There’s a good feature, that some, filament related adjustments are set via filament settings.
 retract count is not?? Although it’s depending on a filament.

On the other hand, in duplication mode
 only left extruder settings are in use?

Then, as I am a beginner with 3D printing, how do I can find so many faults among “basic” features?
Will luban still be developed?

When comparing extruder path to the one which is created with Cura, 
well what to say?
If I say nicely, that Luban code could be a lot faster, if all unnecessary movements will be optimized

This is not all, I’ve realized, but after all these “features”, development comes to my mind.
Then the next question is, is Snapmaker worth of buying?