As you can see from the below image, when I generate a g-code from an image file, it’s generating a path which is really really slow at cutting/engraving. It will do a tiny bit of work on the far left, then move all the way to the right to do a tiny bit, then move all the way back to the left for the next tiny bit.
Is there no way the g-code generator could group together pieces based on location rather than reading from top to bottom & left to right? It’s more than doubling the time it should be taking to cut as my SM2 is spending more time moving back and forth than actually cutting!
Good work.I use Solidworks for all CAD design and I don’t really plan to change though I have downloaded FreeCAD and want to try this out. I have an older Torchmate Growth Series with AVHC. I have been super happy with the Torchmate table, and even happier with TM service members, I mean super happy and I don’t understand where all the hate comes from. The Torchmate CAD/CAM was reasonably easy to use with lots on video how to’s and I only really use it for importing a DXF and generating G Code with lead ins/outs which is all I really need to do. However I need to order a new dongle so before spending money wanted to see if I should be going a different route.