Luban hollow CNC Toolpath

First of all: the simulation of Luban is really imperfect - it may well be that the hollow is there. It may help to look at the toolpaths and see if they would go where they should. Unfortunately the toolpath preview of Luban is cluttered and difficult to assess.

Then: If you want to have this milled successfully, you will not be able to achieve this with toolpath mode “Rotation”, you will need “Linkage”.

And finally: Be aware of the bugs and problems Luban has for at least the linkage mode: Luban 4th axis milling is cool! And dumb... And dangerous! - pending Snapmaker’s review - I opened a ticket for that.

Last remark: If you hit a wall with Luban, you might consider using other software - in this particular project you might get away with indexed machining, i.e. the milling would be split into several (here: two) “standard” 3D milling operations, and between each of them, the workpiece would be rotated. I’ve been looking around quite a bit for affordable software for the Rotary module - I have not yet found what I’m looking for, but the closest candidate for me is DeskProto. They offer a hobbyist license for “only” 250,- € and can do much more than Luban, but unfortunately no XYZA machining (what Luban tries with “Linkage” mode, but currently only partly succeeds). Also, perhaps watch this video by Thomas Sanladerer, where he hints at making the free Fusion 360 doing indexed machining - however, he’s not very clear about how he does it.