Luban Generates Gcode Outside of Work Area

When I generate my Gcode using Luban is is consistently putting an absolute calibration g command for -10 x and -10 y, which is outside of the work area.

This causes the code to hang because it can never reach -10,-10.

I have been manually adjusting the G1 command to go to 0,0 instead of -10,-10.
It prints fine when I do this.

I am on Mac with Luban 4.1.4.

Any ideas how I can modify this setting so I don’t have to manually adjust the gcode?


Do you have the right model of SM selected for the machine you have?


In the past, the -10/-10 move was possible and used for the initial priming of the nozzle. Admittedly, I never looked into GCode, but at the beginning of the print my head did exactly this… Have yet not updated from 1.13.2… Seems that 1.14.x still is somewhat bug-infested.

Just pulled up an old GCode (being back at my workstation now), and it has in it
G28 ;home
G90 ;absolute positioning
G1 X-10 Y-10 F3000
and worked past then.
So if this fails now, I suppose it’s another firmware bug… Can others verify?

Thanks for the info!

I have the correct model selected in the software.

I also just realized I may not have given the machine sufficient time to heat all the elements.
I am going to print another thing soon and will ensure the bed and nozzle are to temp before deeming it “broken”.

Will report what I find.

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yes, I was being too impatient.

Once the extruder and bed got up to temp it moved away from -10,-10 and began printing.
