Luban fails to load GCodes

Suddenly I had an issue with this file loading. I had been printing with, I believe the same parameters, one at a time, and then when I loaded a new file, with multiple units on one build, it fails.

I used Ultimaker Cura to render and slice, then saved the GCode, however, it seems to be blank when I load it.

It won’t let me, as a new user upload the attachment…so, I hope this link will work if somebody wants to see the .stl or .gcode to see if you can help me figure out what happened.

the first one is smaller and only the STL

This one has Cura format stl, and the gcodes I used

You need to try the latest firmware.

I updated after I saw your message, thanks for that…however, still didn’t load, even after restarting all the software.
I do hope somebody has some other ideas.
My friend suggested that I didn’t have supports on the build so it wasn’t stable…I added supports, and resliced, still won’t load.
also, is there some way to sign up for alerts to know when firmware updates are available?
thanks again

The software still has some characters that is chokes on. Many times is just stuff in the comments.
Sometimes it’s G codes that it doesn’t know. I would send the gcode file to the folks and let them find it.

Yes, I understand that we’re the fortunate ones on the cutting edge…and have patience similar to Job.
I hope to hear something back, meanwhile I started a run of 6 of the masks…it really makes little difference, only in having to clear the finished ones and start another run.
Thanks again. I’ll probably see more of you here, as I intend to work this machine a lot

It’s a large file, I looked at it. The Snapmaker is know to have issues with large files. This will be a good test case for them.

hi, i have the same issue with the cnc gcode
nothing works, i’ll try to downgrade
best regardsdrill.cnc (6.5 KB)

reply to myself
i erase two lines of all comments in the drill file
and it works perfectly
if it could help
best regards