Image shifting help

Hey Guys,
I have been started having a problem with my A350T printer that I need help with. I have a 64 hour print that keeps having a image shift problem. I hear a Grinding sound from the Z Axis Linear module. Is there a way to fix this or do I need to replace the linear module or is there a way to get a replacement?

That looks like your X Axis, not the Z.
Try a test print that covers you plate to the size shown in your picture, and see if the fault replicates.
If you need to replace the linear rail they can be gotten from the SM store.

Layer shifts could be caused by excessive movements, like too fast, too much acceleration, too many direction changes and of course defective linear modules.

What settings and speed did you use?
Did this happen every attempt at the same time of the print?
Is your print sheet secured again slipping?

  1. What settings and speed did you use?
  2. Did this happen every attempt at the same time of the print?
    Its not happening at the same place in the g-code.
  3. Is your print sheet secured again slipping?
    print sheet isn’t moving

Do you think the print sheet could move that much and not hit the Z axis columns?

The X axis is jamming and then carrying on in a new position.

No, only wondering about the little shifts, or it’s the model.

Also wondering it’s not visible on the Y-axis oriented model
 Where there some lines beside the bed not connected to any model?

May @sheldonrowley share your machine settings by copying the output of M503 in the console so we get sure everything is alright, please?

Of course it seems your x-axis linear module is broken.
Do you have the old ones with 8mm lead or the new ones with 20mm?

If it is in warranty you could open a ticket
Otherwise you could buy a new one in the official store or a store of trust.

Maybe just a guess, but i had similar problems when using the whole printbed and noticed that the cable leading to the printbed (used to supply and control the bed heating ) got stuck “behind” the right Y-axis linear module.
The solution would be a cable guide or fence like the one i have modeled for this. Using this since then myself with no problem again.

My model on Printables

@sheldonrowley So what happends when you print a single piece in the center??

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simple things first. its not the bed shifting you would have seen that. but the artifact is precise.
you mentioned “keeps having”, is it repeatable? does it happen in the same place? can you “preview” your g-code and verify the layers are as expected throughout the print?

i find it strange that “broken” hardware works so well and then it just burps