LaserPoint can´t use to set Origin

If you switch on the Laser Point with min.Power to locate a point, it switched off in Jog Mod.
Maybe it is a bug ?

You have to be more precise.
What laser module, what machine model, enclosure closed?

Did you try to set the origin beam to a stronger percentage in the settings of the touchscreen?

i got a SM2 350 with 1,6 watt laser and enclosure.

the Enclosure can´t be close during Locate a point because yo can´t see the point through the enclosure.

(Did you try to set the origin beam to a stronger percentage in the settings of the touchscreen?)

no, i don´t do it. i set the laserpoint on the touchscreen with the switch to min laserpower. then you can see the point. When i change to the jogscreen the laserpoint switched off. The same when i do it in luban.

It would be helpfull to locate a point when you have a Laserpoint.

greetings JS

If you set it to a higher percentage in the settings you could be able to see it while the enclosure is closed.

He means the laser switches off when you go to the screen to move the head.

In my opinion this happens only if the enclosure is opened.
If you jog to the position the spot seems to get darker, this could be bypassed by setting it to a higher percentage.

Happens to me and I don’t have an enclosure.

Maybe this is the point, if you have one its there.
Anyway, open a request and suggest a bug:

You can disable the enclosure doors from the touch screen in enclosure settings. Now you should be able to set the laser to come on and set your Zero. My centre zero reference is X170, Y175. My bottom left zero is X6, Y11
Also you can disable the enclosure doors with M1010S11 in the command consul, this disables the doors once they have been opened, if you close them again, the command gets over written.