Laser outcome totally different after firmware upgrade

hello laser friends,

we got 3 snapmaker and I think a lot of experience with these at least in the laser section.
I ordered the new 20w laser to improve some of our projects in speed an quality but he opposite happened.

To use the 20w Laser we needed to upgrade our 3 snapmaker + luban to the latest version. This worked well. The 20w is installed in one of our machines and works okay.

The other 2 machines still got the 10w laser head and beside of the firmware, nothing changed.
We do a lot of engraving and one of the frequent projects is engraving small mdf tiles.
See below:

The left one is the engraving with the new firmware and the right one is the old one.
The left is created today after the upgrade, the right is created today, just before the upgrade.
Same project. same machine, same settings, same mdf tiles.
We put the height manually, so there is no way the auto measurement fails.
Edit: Just that are no misunderstandings: both tiles were engraved with the same 10W Laserhead.

Both machines do this. I did not try the one with the 20w head because it is in use.

In tried:

  • recalibrating (head and measurement)
  • full cleaning of all parts

What seems to help is improving the laser power a lot, this make the outcome close to the one before but it is way more ā€œblurryā€ and has not so sharp edges.

Sorry for the long post and the bad english.
I am curios what you guys think about that.

edit: My question is of course, what happened and how do I fix that?

ps. I may downgrade everything back when I got everything done with the 20w laser but I do not think this is the final soltuionā€¦


You are right I miss-read your issue. I never went back to reread it, should have. My fault completely

No problem. :slight_smile: any ideas how to solve this?

Not yet Iā€™m re-downloading the new and old firmware, so I can do a side by side see where that leads have to recompile them both might take a few hours

I found a lot of known issues in this forum and the hint that the gcode processing got a lot of changes in the newest version.
For now I will downgrade back to an earlier firmware and luban version, so that I got at least 2 working machines for our products and will test with the third one.

If you want to test with my settings:

Hi Pad

Do you know if your settings are still the same as before?

I have read on the github that some people reported they lost thier custom settings when updating luban.

The first thing I would check is fil interval. The lines on the second picture seem much closer together.

Hi jft, yes I thought the same with the interval and tried a lot in that area, with differten power settings. It remains ā€œblurryā€ whatsoever. The support answered now and told me the firmware changed the frequency control of the 10w lasermodule and that I should increase the power even more.

You got the hard edges from when the laser stops and turns the other way, causing a slight overburn. The reason itā€™s softer now is because the recent firmware and Luban enables inline control power. So instead of it stopping when it turns the power off, it moves continuously and turns the power off inline. Now it only does your overburn at the very left/right edges so the inside seems a little soft without that stop overburn. You can see the extreme left/right edges on the left image have that hard line where it turns, but just travels through for everything between.

This is usually mitigated with overscan, which turns the laser off and moves a little further beyond before switching directions, but this isnā€™t a feature in Luban. You can mitigate it in Luban (well, hide it anyway) by adding a second toolpath, vector line mode. Itā€™ll trace along the outside edges to give them hard engraved edges instead of the lightly fuzzy line ends and should look like the right image.


After turning up the power did it make a difference?

Did you try skreelinkā€™s suggestion?

I think it answered the why

hey I tried to turn up the power. The outcome is better then but still not as before.
I did not got the time to try skreelinks outline yet. Thanks skreelink for your explanation and tip.
Will try this the next days and report here.

Thanks for sharing the analyze. As you know that Luban doesnā€™t have the overscanning feature now, Iā€™d like to share the upcoming update that it will be included in the next Luban version.


i tried your suggestion. It works well. :slight_smile:

Glad to hear it worked for you. :slight_smile:

I have given up trying to make sense of anything and am waiting patiently for ā€œthe dust to settleā€ i.e. a stable version of firmware and Luban to emerge before daring to use my Snapmaker again.

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We downgraded now to use our 10w Laser Snapmakers as we used to before.
We will also wait for the 20w solutions to be stable.