Laser material settings

Unfortunately I don’t have any to share but since the presets are so limited I’m hoping we could start a thread and maybe even get it pinned one day.
I’m thinking something like this.
Material: Unabtanium
Laser: 1.21 gigawatts
Engraving; 50% power
Cutting: 1000% power
Work Speed: Plaid

If I’m missing an important settings let ne know.
What do you think? Is a single thread worth it for sharing?

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Here are guides for the 10W, 20W, and 40W lasers.

Yeah those are the existing presets. I’m talking about settings people have dialed in for other materials.
Example painters canvas. I’m working on getting this just right with my 40w laser. There is no preset for it so once I’m done I’d post my settings here.
Maybe someone posts about plywood. Or aluminum. Or glass woth a coating. Etc…

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Thanks. This is what im talking about. Just looking for similar in 20w and 40w versions.
I’m thinkning people have done their own testing and if everyone posts here with their material settings that aren’t in the presets it gives other people a jumping off point.

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You can’t copy settings without the whole context. I use Lightburn. There is an difference between Marlin with inline modus and the ‘Snapmaker marlin’ modus. Inline you need more power. Using protection paper needs more power. What I use at the moment. Without any liability.

40W laser white laminated MDF 3mm with protection paper
Engraving Snapmaker modus power 20% speed 4000mm/m 254 lines/inch
Engraving Marlin Inline modus power 30% speed 4000mm/m 254 lines/inch
Inline modus with 30% power

Inline modus with 20% power

Cutting Snapmaker Marlin modus power 100% speed 750mm/m 1 pass.
Cutiing Marlin Inline modus power 100% speed speed 650mm/m 1 pass.

40W MDF 3mm with protection paper
Cutting Marlin Inline modus power 100% speed 750mm/m 1 pass.

40W MDF 4mm with protection paper
Cutting Marlin Inline power 100% speed 650mm/m 1 pass.

40W MDF 5mm white laminated with protection paper
Cutting Marlin Inline modus power 100% speed 750mm/m 2 pass and moving Z downwards 2mm.

Camelbak bottle on rotary module. At the moment Lightburn support the rotary encoder only in Snapmaker Marlin modus. Not in GRBL or Marlin. They haven’t a B axis that is need for the rotary. You can work around but it is extra work.
Power 20% speed 3000mm/m. More power deforms the bottle.

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Thanks. I’m sure that will help someone.
I’m not ready to use lightburn. I’ve tried and had to give up because it got super frustrating.
My thinking is that, at least in Luban, copying someone elses settings, should work or at least give a very good and close starting point for someone else using the same material.
Again, since I’m not using lightburn you may be correct that using someone else’s settings wont work. I’m thinking a thread here just for Luban and a separate thread for lightburn might be better. I didn’t think there would be a major issue with copying the settings from Luban to lightburn so i didn’t think it would matter.

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Clear Glass, my settings with the 40W Laser:

20W Mode enabled in Luban
25% power

Material need to be prepared with some painting, otherwise the laser goes through without doing anything.

Brown Glass (the typical ones where drugs are stored to prevent from getting light)
My settings with the 10W Laser

55% power

Also prepared with painting before.

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AWESOME!! This is EXACTLY what I’m referring to.
Hopefully we can keep this going.
Maybe we can build up a library and do exports/imports for the settings eventually coming up with a master list.

Ok. Initial results on untreated/painted painters canvas.
Material: Painters Canvas
Laser: 40w
Engraving; 80% power
Cutting: untested
Work Speed: 3150mm/sec
Results: Ignore thebad text. The 3/4 speed seems like the sweet spot

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I reckon the top two are the wrong way around.

Hi,this thread could become an amazing resource. I have the 1.6W, 10W, and 2W IR. I am just getting started with laser engraving and setting are the bane of my existence at the moment. I’ll contribute as I experiment.