I have the laser & camera calibrated, but when I try to use this feature it changes the work origin in a way that puts the job way off the mark. I’ve contacted support, but all they knew to tell me was to calibrate, which I’ve done, and when that didn’t work they stopped responding. I figure there must be a way to get this to work so I’m hoping someone here can help me out.
When I start the project the work origin is at the default, set to center. I connect to the printer and add background image. I can import the image to engrave, size & align it according to the background, all good. But when I generate gcode the work origin has been changed and if I do run boundary it goes to the edge of the printer and fiddles around. Obviously not going to work.
I’ve set the machine work origin to the center, but that doesn’t help. I’ve tried setting the work origin in Luban to bottom left (which seems to be what happens when I generate gcode) but the image to engrave disappears.
Bottom line, no matter what I’ve tried the gcode ends up pushing the engraving off the printer platform. How can I use camera alignment to actually work?
Fussing with this some more I see that one source of mismatch is that using a background image forces to machine coordinates, or something similar to that. However, when running a job from the printer the coordinates are always relative to the machine center.
Maybe it would work as expected if I ran the job from the computer rather than sending the gcode to the printer and launching from the display. Doing this way I have to edit the print job work origin every time I launch it.
It would be nice if Luban actually coordinated with the printer (e.g., used the same coordinates)
ah, my searching skills aren’t up to snuff then since I didn’t find any on this. Sad that their isn’t any concern as that is pretty poor.
My printer is not near the computer so I don’t like printing directly from it. I tried that with this and forgot to manually set the z-height. That wasn’t good
Sorry, didn’t mean to suggest that you haven’t searched
Just saying that despite loads of comments Snapmaker have yet to understand how many users are caught out by this foible - I want to call it a bug but it seems to be deliberate. Maybe it will change when Luban is updated for the new laser.