Laser bed gaps too wide


I was searching the forum and I am wondering if I am the only one having issues with object falling into the laser bed gaps?
That’s really annoying, I am ending up with damaged pieces either from laser marking, residues or laser head bumping to them.
Really not a good choice of design in my opinion.

Yes, I could buy an honeycomb…. But how to I fix it? And that’s a $3k machine!
Come on!


Just laser bigger objects? Its not the fault of a laser machine that there has to be air gaps behind the object. Also with honey comb objects will fall down.
I had never a problem with falling objects. Just use a brush to get the small parts from between the rips.
Or use tabs so the objects will not cut all of the shape but keep 2-3 1mm long connections to the material board like described here:

The SM 2.0 bed has ribs that are closer.

Correct… never got issue with the A250.