Please report any issues regarding the post-processor files of Snapamker 2.0 machine.
Please report any issues regarding the post-processor files of Snapamker 2.0 machine.
Hi Johntake, can you please help explain what files I need exactly to download to get Aspire to work with the SM2.0? I did copy the text from the file over into Notepad, then saved the file as “” making sure to delete the .txt file extension afterwards. I can’t seem to find the .vtdb file that you mentioned. Also what do I do with the "Snapmaker_2.0_tools.tool file? Thanks for your help in advanced.
I’m after the same solution and after looking at the way you renamed the file, you have a mistake there. Files extensions use only one dot in the name, you wrote instead of snapmaker_cnc_mm.pp, only one dot before the ext name, give that a try, let me know
Can you post screenshots or make a video showing your Aspire screen, the toolpaths you generated, how and where you installed the .pp file, how and where you installed the .tool file and what you are trying to CNC?
Fishbone3d, I was finally able to figure it out myself a few weeks ago after I posted the question. It was quite easy. Navigate to the following folder on your PC to the following location:
copy and paste the .pp file into the directory. Once you startup Aspire, start a new job by setting your material dimensions etc…You can then load the “tools” package by importing them by going to “toolpaths”, then “tool database”, on the lower left corner if you mouse over there will be an import button click that find your snapmaker tool database file and import. To use the PostP processor once you create a toolpath, you will see the snapmaker postP listed in the drop down menu.
Glad you got it working! Are you using a trial version? Typically the trial versions won’t let you save to a CNC file until it is registered.
After I started using Aspire, and watched their training videos, I coughed up the money to buy the software. It truly is amazing for the CNC feature along with being able to install the Laser module. Luban isn’t bad but doesn’t have the features I need. I plan on purchasing a professional CNC machine in the near future and can justify the cost.
Were you able to get yours to work.
Hi everyone,
i’m looking for a postprocessor for my Snapmaker Original for Vectric Cut2d. Does this postprocessor on github also work for the Snapmaker Original?