I have not had a successful print in over a year

I have tried switching print beds, nozzles, materials, changing setting, calibrating with every print. Nothing is working. And this is after over a year of a break because none of those prints would work either. I have ultimately resorted to solely using this device for the Laser because it is the only thing that seems to work consistently. What am I missing?

Just show us pictures of your failed prints. :v:


How has the filament been stored? If in the open, it likely absorbed moisture. Try drying the filament.

What are your print settings? What filament are you using? Is the filament brittle? Do you have any photos of your failed prints?

A description of the problem…


The problem was they were up rooting and attaching to the module. That or the nozzle would clog immediately. Which I narrowed down to the retraction setting not disabling (I have turned it off in 2 or 3 places and its still doing it) causing it to clog. Humidity is likely another issue causing the filament to go bad. However this was also happening at the last location where the ambient humidity was very low. I’m also noticing other settings that aren’t sticking when I put them in. For example the temperature is dropping after the 1st layer, paired with the retraction(that I have turned off by the way) is causing every print to fail due to clog

After much exploration, I have determined that it is something within the Luban Software. I have sliced the objects in prusa and with minimal adjustment I have already completed 2 prints(at a much faster rate at that). Not sure what’s going on with Luban for the 2.0 but it’s pretty janky right now.

For developers, the issues were
retraction not accepting the disabled feature in Luban
Random temperature changes mid print(paired with above causing jamming).

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While I understand that I didn’t outline the exact nature of the issue(because it was different each time) your comment was no more helpful. Not even a nudge in the right direction? At that point why respond at all?
I figured it out. It was Luban. However I was not able to resolve it, so I switched to prusa slice and now everything is working perfectly.
My goal was to see if anyone else was in the same boat. But thanks for your contribution.

Im glad you figured out what was going wrong. As for Luban I’m not sure why it’s behaving like that for you. You can try uninstalling it and then doing a fresh install if you ever want to go back to Luban. I remember doing that fixed a prior issue that I had, it might help with your situation.

You expected people to guess what your problem was?
Obviously it saved you from having to type so much by not being at all specific about your issue.
So plenty of people could waste their time writing a lot while trying to target the answers to your unknown problem.
Note the lack of answers.

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