How to recover SNAPLZR files

I had made something for my grandpa and messed it up but then my original snap maker broke about 1 year ago and before i could re do it and now i have a snap maker 2.0 A350, i have the SNAPLZR file and it is downloaded on the version 3.9.0 but it wont let me import it into Snapmaker Luban, any help would be appreciated

If you double click the project file it should open in Luban.
If itā€™s not there may be a few reasons.

  1. When you say you had an Original Snap Maker. I assume you mean the SM1? If so then you may have to set up that machine in Luban again, (Even though you donā€™t have it), and load the Project file, Does it load? Yes - Good, No - Bad.
    No means you may need to further upgrade Luban and try again, or install an older version and try.
    Yes then you should be able to copy and paste the project elements from the Original Machine windows into a second Luban window that is set up in a browser, and has a 350 machine setup. Then once the project is set up save the new file for the 350.
    (Open Luban in browser by clicking on 'Window", then ā€œView in Browserā€.

Did you follow that?
If you can upload the project file I can test that worksā€¦

I set it to Original snap maker and tried to upload it, then i tried it in 3.9.0 because that was the version i created it in but i couldnā€™t upload it either, and it wont let me upload it to here cause it is a SNAPLZR file, i also looked at it in notes but it is just gibberish.

What exactly is the error message you are receiving?
Is the icon for the file the Snapmaker project file icon, denoting association?

the symbol is the snapmaker luban picture

the error is

From the menu, are you using ā€œOpen a project fileā€, or ā€œImport a fileā€ ???

If I remember correctly, the SNAPLZR files are basically ZIP files containing several files. So to check if the file itself is OK, make a copy, change the file extension from .snaplzr to .zip and try to open it as a ZIP archive in explorer/finder.

SNAPLZR files are not ZIP files, so donā€™t bother with the above.
Itā€™s a project file.
The easiest way to open it, as you are not familiar with this type of file, is to right-click and ā€˜Open with Lubanā€™

Ive tried that and it just gives me a blank screenI l

The file button on the side bar is what i click but then i also have to change the filter from custom files to all files

If you upload the file here I am sure someone will check it for you.

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Sounds like you are trying to import the file. Try clicking on ā€œFileā€, then ā€œOpen Projectā€.

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Youā€™re right, they are not ZIP files, they are gzip. You can open them e.g. with 7-Zip. In there you find SVG files and a config.json - that should allow to retrieve information as long as the file is not totally corrupt.

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I used 7-Zip and found the couple of things that i used and the config.json, can i use that to figure out how i had it arranged or is that just my settings?

Hmm - I suppose you can, JSON is human-readable and looking at the parameters you can guess what they are about. But it is tedious work. At least it shows that your file is intact to some extent.

Did you follow @TK4132 's advice and make sure that you loaded it as a project?

Also, would you consider posting the file here as @Boxkite suggested, or is it confidential? Sending it here might allow others to check if it loads in their Luban version.

Last resort: Completely uninstall Luban and re-install it.

EDIT: If thatā€™s your complete config.json, I suppose you can work it out. Itā€™s some PNGs scaled and placed, plus some text in Arial font. The parameters are not to difficult to disentangle.

It is my complete config.json, i did try to upload it in with open project in both snap maker original and A350 and they both just left the work space blank, there is some stuff on there that i would not like to share on the internet. Would it be be hard to decode, or would i have trouble with it?

Maybe just send the file to somebody here privately?

Hereā€™s what I read from the JSON:

  • An image named ā€œimage_removebg_preview (17).pngā€ is positioned at the origin (0,0), scaled by a factor 3.15. Job is greyscale, algorithm Atkinson.
  • An image named ā€œid8.svgā€, which I understand to consist of a PNG named ā€œgen_500270z3.pngā€ and a text ā€œ1981-1987ā€ in Arial, font size 12. This all is positioned at (-27, 0). scaled by 0.7. Job is vector.
  • Image ā€œid9.svgā€, consists of a PNG named ā€œgen_49661057.pngā€ and text in Arial 12, text you blotted out. Positioned at (29.2, 0). Scaled by 0.65. Job is vector.
  • Same with names ā€œid12.svgā€, ā€œgen_50276055.pngā€ + Text Arial size 4, @(-18.7, 0), not scaled (factor 1), Job is vector.

I assume that the idX.svg and gen_xxx.png images are not uploaded by you but contain the texts as vector and raster, so Iā€™d assume that the whole thing it is the one image at the beginning and then three texts. The image should also be in the gzip-file.

Btw.: If you look a bit closer to whatā€™s written in the config.json, it is not difficult to work it outā€¦