I use macro’s to level the bed for different temperatures using G1029, as I adjusted the firmware for my IR sensor I removed the line in the G1029 code that switches off the heaters so G1029 works fine. The nozzle to sensor distance doesn’t change (unless you change the nozzle) so I automate the final move down in the macro. Macro’s are all in OctoPrint on buttons. Power on from OctoPrint, hit the macro to level for the temperature then print. This all woks fine now after 1.12.2 when they sorted the offset configuration.
There is an old thread from @Tone on levelling using macro’s and spreadsheets. My view is it worked as it effectively fixed the miss alignment between the mesh and print levelling but there is some great stuff if you want to level manually and it should all work even better after the 1.12.2 fix. It’s another bunch of learning though.