I thought I better start my own thread instead of randomizing others on my issues.
I have a ~1.1mm slope to the left observable in my calibration mesh.
I would have thought this wouldn’t matter (because isn’t that what the mesh is supposed to correct).
But I have had trouble getting this single layer test to print well at the extreme left and rear edges.
(note the larger gaps in squares on the right is palleted knife damage)
I have done 11x11 calibrations, 5x5 hot calibrations, manual calibration, i have calibrated flow and linear advance. But the under extrusion on the left to back i have never found the source or solution - despite getting lots of folk (not on this forum) tell me it is everything from flow is wrong, to machine is wrong, to slicer is wrong, to my expectations are wrong.
- Am i hunting the right great white whale here / on a fools errand trying to reduce this slope?
- If i am on a fools errand what should I be trying to fix this print?
- Or maybe it is wrong of me to expect to be able to use 95% of the bed?
I have bought all sorts of gauges, meters, squares, straight edges, calipers, micrometers etc (and have an angle meter coming too). But I for the life of me cannot find a single source of the error - i now think the 1.1mm is compound error introduced by several things.
And before we get to warped platform, i think the first source of error might be shown in this video where if i am at all doing this right there seems to be ~0.6 to ~0.7 where the left bar ‘appears’ to be lower.
- am I at all going about this test in the right way?
- note when I place the platform on these mounts it shows the same ~0.6 to ~0.7 error - aka my assumption is my platform is not warped (at least not between the two screws on the center line).
- should i be doing something different in this test?
Now i want to point out when i do this test below, the gap measured with feeler gauges on the left side (the blocks are resting on the y rails) is about 0.32 mm.
I note those two values added together are pretty darn close to my 1mm slope i see in the mesh.
I have done a few other steps - the first was to rotate the platform, heated bed and build pate 180 degrees (so the front of plate was at the back) and the 1mm slope to the left persisted - my hopeful conclusion is this means I have a pretty good platform / heated bed.
To recap the questions as the start of this egregiously long post.
- Are my expectations out of line here, and i should stop hunting this down?
- What can i be doing differently to solve the printing problem of that one test (that my friends with enders print just fine) if i should stop hunting this down.
Any help you have the time to spare in directing me the right way would be very much appreciated.
(and all of this was done on firmware with the mesh fix bug, i waiting till we had that firmware to summarize)