Help with 20w laser

Just got the 20w laser module, with air pump. Looking at the wiki, it says to connect the laser head and air tube via the M5 connector and to the air pump with the M8 connector.

There were no M5 or M8 connectors included. Support says the 20w module doesn’t need those connectors.

How else can I connect the air tube? The holes on the module and air pump need something to hold the air hose. Anybody with the 20w module that can help me?

In the wiki you need the thread ins for the tubes, I guess it is in the package?
Instead request it at support.

Not in the package (triple checked) and support says not needed for the 20w. I’m caught in the middle of support and wiki.

Let us know the answer of support how to attach the tubes :wink:

Upon a second review, they agreed that the M5 & M8 are needed and they will be providing them. I’m not sure if I was a lone problem or if there are other 20w’s out there that will need them.


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