[GUIDE] How to install apps on your Snapmaker 2.0 LCD - Access Android part of LCD

[GUIDE] - how to setup VNC server for remote access.

Especially useful if you have multiple snapmakers. Or have them in a remote location.


  1. I assume you already have an alternative launcher and f-droid installed (first post). You also understand if you have firewall in your network - you might need to configure it. Both snapmaker with VNC server and VNC client should be on the same network to see each other. Regular home setup with wifi access point will work with no issues.
  2. Install the droidVNC-NG - I did it through F-Droid repository (see first post).
  3. Start the app
  4. NEVER LEAVE YOUR VNC SERVER without a password - type in the password in the field
  5. Scroll down and hit START button - it will request permissions necessary for VNC server to work. Turn ON and allow the requests.
  6. Now you should be able to connect to your Snapmaker with any VNC Client. The app actually comes with noVNC client built in, if you scroll down to get the sharable link

    you will get a link, plug it into your browser and you should see the screen of the snapmaker. The link looks like this Replace the IP address ( to be able to connect to your machine.
  7. In my case the link above didn’t work, blame my network config. So I had to install TightVNC client, and start it in listening mode
  8. Then go to the snapmaker and hit the “Connect to a listening Viewer” , enter my windows PC IP address and hit ok.
  9. You can also use myriad of VNC clients for iphone, mac, linux and other platforms to connect. There are solutions to organize connections - so you can have all snapmaker machines in one screen, the one I use for other stuff, and now will adopt for snpamaker park - https://guacamole.apache.org/