Gcode G3 problems

Does anyone have any experience with using G3?

I am manually writing gcode to accurately laser cut a complex shape that has a couple of circular sections. The straight sections all work nicely. G3 to cut an arc appears to work for the first 180 degrees, but then jumps and completes the arc length with very different settings. I tried breaking the curve into 2, so each arc was less than 180 degrees. The first works fine, but the second goes bad in a similar fashion as before (just a little earlier in the curve and jumping to a different point).

Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this?

I haven’t tried it, but there are a bunch of posts in the forums about G2 and G3. It’s difficult to search for posts, because search doesn’t like the short terms. In this case, a google search for g2 g3 site:forum.snapmaker.com works better.

Thanks! No solutions but it did help. I did manage to get G3 instructions to work. Not sure if the problem with G2 is me or a bug.