Use the square method instead of the dot, it’s more consistent.
Ok thanks
Hi again - after following your instructions - see attached pic - I have come up with this header.
M106 P0 S255
G0 Z85 F6000
G92 Z0
G0 Z300
G0 X4 Y9 F6000
G92 X0 Y0
M3 S0
I will have to test each move before using. As I understand your instructions, preparing spacers to put the origin at X4 Y9 allows me to position the material at that point but the design in Luban (or Lightburn) would start at 0,0. Do I have that right?
On another note I also tested the offset for the crosshair and found it to be very signifcant at X52 Y30. I suppose this would allow me to create a jig using the offset but I’m not sure I see the value in it. Unless I’m missing something.
Please let me know if I’m incorrect in anyway on my assumptions.
Thanks again,
Yes, once you have a repeatable origin defined in your header, once you set it up, you should be able to just put your design into the corner and not worry about alignment. Make sure to use absolute coords when you do this.
I don’t see any images, but I assume Z85
is the machine height with the focus bar touching the bed?
Yes correct on Z85 (or 84.9 - close enough). Of course this may change slightly when switching toolheads. Sorry here is the image for the X Y coordinates.
If you placed the square 20,20 then 4,9 looks correct.
Luban actually uses the center of your object and not the lower and left coords, so your actual placement is 10,10 (the grid is in 10mm squares for reference). I mathed wrong in my earlier post so disregard it, however, lasering at 10,10 and resulting being 14,18.8 then yes, X4 Y8.8
would be correct.
Ok thanks - I’ll review the rest of the post and see if I have any additional questions - thanks.
If you use the lower left designator (little blue circle) it will position lower left 0,0
Ok thank you.
Wondering if this post is still relevant in January 2024.
I achieved more functionality using Lightburn with the Snapmaker setup than with GRBL-M3.
If it is outdated, please mark it as such, because it will only confuse people.
Exactly what do you mean by:
Now with photos and video as I do not understand what this is doing. I am using the Snapmaker GRBL profile in Lightburn. I expected it to start the engrave at X0 Y0. I assumed the position of Z would be the entry in the custom header plus the material height inputted when starting from USB. Do I need to manually enter the work coordinates into the touchscreen when starting from USB? I assumed the custom header would take care of that.
Here’s the input screen after setting material height. I didn’t think I needed to update this as I thought the customer header would take care of it.
And here’s a video of what actually happened -
Thanks for any thoughts on this.
Looking at the gcode you posted, you’re using “user origin” you should be using Absolute Coordinates. Otherwise it does not set a material height. Also there’s a bug with how the snapmaker parses comments. In the header, remove all the comments/notes including the ;
Ok thanks I’ll give that a go.
Hallo und guten Morgen. Ich klinke mich hier mal ein, da ich nicht weiß, wo ich anfangen soll. Vor einem Jahr hatte ich meinen A350 mit Lightburn am laufen. Nun, nachdem ich aus persönlichen Gründen sehr lange nichts machen konnte fange ich wieder von vorne an. Ich habe mittlerweile den 40 Watt Laser.
Ich habe mir die Snapmaker2_V1.18.2.bin heruntergeladen, weil ich vermute, dass es die Letzte ist. Nun weiß ich nicht, was ich noch, außer die V1.18.2 zu installieren, machen muss /bedenken muss. Entschuldige bitte, dass ich hier so reinplatze.
Hallo, Sie müssen wirklich so viel wie möglich von diesem riesigen Forum lesen und verstehen. Ich habe gerade das 40-W-Laser-Setup durchgespielt, allerdings mit der Standard-Firmware. Lesen Sie hier alles, was Sreelink geschrieben hat. Lesen Sie insbesondere alle meine Fragen und seine Antworten. Er war außerordentlich hilfreich. Es war ein ziemlicher Prozess, aber endlich nutze ich Lightburn erfolgreich. Obwohl ich gerne hilfreich sein würde, habe ich noch nicht die nötige Erfahrung, daher ist es am besten, Ihre Fragen hier zu posten und auf die Antwort von Skreelink zu warten. Ich empfehle Ihnen, Google Translate zu verwenden, um Ihre Fragen ins Englische zu übersetzen. Ich habe damit Ihren Beitrag ins Englische und meine Antwort ins Deutsche übersetzt – viel Glück.
Skreelink - thanks for all your help. I am finally engraving properly using Lightburn.