I recently upgraded to an A350. With the original and A250 machines I had to do an alignment and some math to ensure that the CNC and laser heads were precisely aligned with each other and centered on the build plate. Then I wrote the x,y positions on the respective heads. The reason being that I would make stuff without removing the work piece between operations.
First thing I did with the A350 was insure that the software was up to date. It seems that the those positions are now baked into the software, so I shouldn’t have to go through the trouble of doing it myself. Is this correct?
Yes, the toolhead offset coordinates are setup in Luban and the machine firmware.
So, i guess the laser toolhead would fire in the same spot as the cnc bit was set to zero, but i never tried…
They’re a little off. I found center of each and wrote the coordinates on each of the heads.
It would be helpful if the machine 0/0 would be 0/0 for every toolhead.
May you share your findings with support to get it corrected in the machines firmware?
Or email support@snapmaker.com
Not sure if we are able to adjust the offset of every tool, at least printing and laser tool should be possible by marlin commands