Filament pulling off previous layers

Hi Everyone

I’ve a leveled the bed and adjusted the Z offset as per manual.
My model has been prepared in Cura for a 0.6mm nozzle and various parameters set with a print speed of 45mm/s and using PLA.
Problem is after the first layer is complete the next layer gets pulled off the previous one resulting in a mass of filament gathered around the nozzle, at this point I stop the print process.
This setup has been used sucessfully before with a woodfilled filament.

Any suggestions as to whats going wrong.


So are you actually using a 0.6mm nozzle?
Also what are your first layer height and other layer heights?
Just to be clear, is it the first layer that gets ripped off when printing the second layer?

If your layers arent adhereing to each other properly, i.e. the first layer goes down but the second layer just curls up around the nozzle instead of sticking the the first layer, then you are likely printing at too low a temperature.

What is the recommended temperature for your filament? I would advise bumping up 5-10 deg and see if that solves the issue

HI all

Sorry for the late reply.

My Cura settings v4.8.0
Initial Layer Height: 0.1
Layer Height: 0.1
Infill: 100%
Print Speed: 50
Nozzle size: 0.6
Retraction: off
All other settings standard

I’m using PLA from a sample from Amazon. The above settings worked previously with a wood filled filament.

I’ve bed levelling set to automatic and followed the method for the Z offset.
One thing I’m curious about is when I remove the Z offset plastice gauge thing there is a definite audiable sound as the nozzle drops off the edge of said gauge. Is this normal? I’m used to leveling the bed on Ultimakers and they dont do this.

I’ll have another go with increasing the nozzle temperature and report back maybe with a picture If I can get one of the issue.


ATtached is an image of the second layer of my print it is 40x20mm.
The first layer printed correctly.
I have Cura set to print the walls first then the infill. SO the second layer walls were printed fine but as you can see the infill doesn’t reach the walls. As the third layer was printing that is when it appears the previous layer gets pulled up. I’ve increase the nozzle temperature and slowed the printing speed with no change.

Any suggestions are welome.


To confirm, you are using a .6 mm nozzle, rather than the .4 mm nozzle that came preinstalled correct? As to me this looks like extreme under extrusion in some places, though I am not extremely knowledgeable on the subject. I don’t believe that this is an infill problem, as the second layer is usually another sin layer, unless you have changed that. Also, is there a specific reason you are using 100% infill? Typical infill ranges between 10-20% for many standard prints depending on preference and infill type. If you had a .4 mm nozzle to try with the appropriate settings and it fails similarly, you could post the gcode so that another user could test it to make sure it isn’t a problem with your settings.

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