So after about 10 back and forth messages with snapmaker, they noted that the F350 can work with the 10W laser + rotary tool for laser engraving.
Does anyone use this package, and I"m wondering if the CNC Carving platform is a requirement to mount the rotary tool? I imagine the CNC platform comes with the A350T but I don’t need any CNC carving, just laser engraving and 3D printing.
I see I can grab the CNC carving platform on amazon, but wondering if the rotary mounts on the regular F350 without it somehow?
It mounts on the CNC wasteboard as standard but I’m sure you could make a DIY mounting. Not sure that would be worth the hassle though for what a board costs.
I made my own to which i keep it mounted permanently so it’s easier to swap bedplates around (the less screws I have to use, the happier I am. However, if you don’t have the cnc toolhead it’s going to be a bit more challenging to make sure it’s aligned perfectly, but should be possible though.
but as @albutch mentions, it’s probably easier and not much more expensive to just get one.
Ok, perfect, so next question is just cause I don’t have one to work with, I go to the laser engraving 4 axis section in luban, I see I can put in the diameter and add text and what not and it shows as a piece of wood.
Is there a way to load your actual stl file to use the laser engrave on rotary to make sure it’s in proper place? or from fusion 360?