Every print failed

It has failed all 3d prints I tried 73 different prints and ALL failed follow service instructions to the T and went over over 200 YouTube videos and other forums I am requesting a new 3d model or a return at this point. 4 different service advisors told be change it up and I did to there specs and it still fails.

anyone else having this issue with the printer

“Failed” isn’t a lot of information. How did your prints fail? Did they not stick to the bed? Was no plastic extruded? Did you get a jumble of plastic spaghetti instead of a print? Something else?

And what were you trying to print that failed?

And what type of filament?

Have you tried to print a calibration cube or benchy?

Share some photos of your machine from various angles (may need to use a hosting site since you’re new). A lot of problems are caused by mistakes in assembly.


It got jumble of plastic spaghetti and it started find and then spaghetti out
This happen every time with the other 2 advisors I have pics this is getting expensive is pissing me off that thing is working 2k machine and not one print came out
I sent logs, pics, and everything that told me to do nothing is working I am over it

Filament is what is sent with the printer so yours I tried over 73 different type of prints even your test prints and still failed

Hi madhatter
Did you checked youre nozzle tip?
Compare it with youre spare one, i had simular problems , could not find annything on the forum , at the end my tip of the nozzle was worn out, and cause bad or no adhesion, and also a lot of spaghetti

So the first layer adheres to the bed. Does it get pulled loose, or is it still adhered after the spaghetti pile starts?

What are you trying to print? Link or upload the model please, so we can understand better. Plenty of models need supports, and will generate spaghetti balls if they don’t get them. Eventually the ball gets big enough that it prevents any of the model from printing.

it stickes to the bed and the first few layers work fine and then it just stops I tried over 72 different model and tried the test model for snap maker and it still failed
also it not allowing me to upload anything saying I am a new user

@madhatter2379 You should be able to upload one photo. Take a pic of the first layer of a print and let us see it.

The Fabric 3DP example project looks like it should print fine as is, with no supports. I haven’t tried this, but I’d be comfortable starting it, watching the first layer, then walking away.

How long have you watched the print before leaving it unattended? I’ve seen a few people reporting layer shifting, which eventually leads to spaghetti. I’d sit nearby and keep an ear open even if you’re not watching it. The machine gets into a pattern, and I like to glance over anytime the music changes, or I hear something unexpected. I once heard a loud click, and looked over to see the head had shifted -8mm in the X axis. Turns out my kid has set the travel speed to 100 mm/s, and that can cause the original to jump a thread.