I used the CNC module for the first time this week, I went through the assembly instructions, followed the sample tutorial to engrave the phone holder with the black frosted acrylic sheet that came with the machine. It turned out really good, the cuts were clear, not melting/burning.
I then engraved a simple design on a clear 3mm acrylic sheet without changing any settings/configuration, but I noticed the acrylic melted and got stuck to the cnc bit. In the finished product, I see there are some spots that are burnt and not engraved clearly.
Any pointers on how I can fix this?
What kind of acrylic is it? Cast or extruded?
There’s a big difference between the two as far as machinability. You want cast.
As far as melting and burning goes, try slowing down spindle speed and upping work speed.
You might need different ones for for engraving and cutting. Just have to play around and see. You can make a test in Luban by creating a line and then duplicating it several times and setting different speeds to try out.
CNC machines can be very sensitive to having shavings fall back into the cut. This causes friction which can lead to melting, burning, and bit breakage. My A350 is my second CNC machine but I have not used the CNC capability so far. On my other CNC machine I use compressed air and a vacuum to keep the shavings out of the cut.