After working with 3d printing I want to use the CNC module for the first time. My goal is to create some simple boxes with acrylic.
As far my search, I know I would need to use cast acrylic. I will probably use 1 or 2mm thick transparent acrylic for this. Since I only find settings to cut acrylic with laser which obviously cant be achieved in transparent acrilic, I need your help for some things:
1 - Are those bits right to cut acrylic? (https://www.amazon.es/dp/B07FGFHTG8/?coliid=I1FIHMZT2GA3WI&colid=18M3YN50X3SG6&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it) or do you suggest other bits? (Better or other brand)
2 - which setting should I use?
3 - any other things I would need? Please take in mind this would be the first time I will use CNC.
4 - I trying to create a finger joint box. Any good source for this? Designing one from scracth seems “overkill”.