DX: Wrong print temperature

Hi folks,
currently running a DX print with PVA and PLA. PVA is a bit reluctant to stick to the bed, so I needed three tries until I had success (btw.: IPA cleaned bed seems to be a bad idea - used water + dishwashing soap → success). Print starts with the PLA nozzle @210°C, then comes PVA @190°C.

First try: After PLA, PVA nozzle starts off with 210°C! Checked in GCode: Should be 190°C!
Second try, same file, no changes: After PLA, PVA prints with 190°C as it should… huh?
Third try: PVA nozzle again @210°C at start - after first layer all is good, it continues at 190°C as sliced…

Anyone any idea what’s happening here? Let me emphasize. Always same GCode file, no changes, always started from the touchscreen…