Dual Extruder: Access to thermistor

After changing the nozzle on the left extruder I got a message on the touchscreen saying “Abnormal Hot End” and that it is shutting down. SM Support told me to check the wiring on the temperature sensor but did not provide any instructions on how to access it. I’m hesitant to just start “diving in” on my own. Are there instructions somewhere? Perhaps a video? Any help appreciated!

Perhaps the fotos here help: [First Batch Shipped Out] FAQs of Dual Extrusion 3D Printing Module for Snapmaker 2.0 - #99 by Hauke - also someone broke the pogo pins - check for that: [First Batch Shipped Out] FAQs of Dual Extrusion 3D Printing Module for Snapmaker 2.0 - #203 by Wyphorn

Thanks Hauke. That did help. Appreciate all you do for the community!!

OK; I was able to verify that the wire connection to the thermistor appears to be intact. Now SM wants me to check on some other connections as shown in this photo that they sent me. The red rectangle is their markup showing what I’m supposed to check but I have no clue how to properly access it. Further help would be greatly appreciated.

That’s the Pogo Pins - you need to remove the hotend module from the DX (open the door, press down the lever of the module firmly and pull the module out carefully). The foto shows what you will see when you then look into the DX head where the hotend module was located before. These golden pins match up with contact pads on the backside of the hotend module and ensure electrical connection. The second link I put in earlier shows one user where these pogo pins were broken - look out for anything that does look out of place, like the foto in that link - if you look careful at that image, you see a crack in the plastic around the pins and the rightmost pin slightly displaced.

Don’t forget to remove the filament at first :slight_smile:

GOT IT! Thanks Hauke.

Thanks Sly!

myA350hotendbrd.stl (3.0 KB)
ive had these things apart a lot.

i would add this thing to protect the fragile pins…the notches on one side face the pcb

Thanks Wilson. Had already one broken pcba there and will Print this directly.