Hello all,
I have the SnapMaker Artisan and touts that it can cut 8mm plywood in a single pass with the 10W Diode Laser Module but that seems to be a gross exaggeration.
I’ve been unable to cut 6mm plywood consistently and neatly to avoid major burn marks or incomplete cuts that leave me with splintering plywood.
There are various reasons, such as glue between the layers, as to why the cut is inconsistent. But 8mm in 1 pass seems to be impossible with the 10W Laser Module.
Attached is an image of work speeds x passes. 300 mm/ms with 4 passes seems to be the most consistent. Does anyone have any advice as to what other settings I should look at?
- Z step per pass?
- I’m using Luban which also has an Initial Cutting Height Offset for which is no documentation.