Current status of SM 2 Octoprint support for Fiment Runout Detection

I read lots and lots of topics but I just can’t determine whether this is still not supported or not. On several threads there were request for adding M600 geocode which seems to have been implemented and merged based on the linked to issues.

I’ve also seen a tutorial using a third party runout sensor for use with Octoprint.

What I’ve not seen is anything more recent than mid last year.

Can anyone briefly summarize what does and does not work with SM 2 (latest firmware) and Octoprint (latest release)?

Without runout handling I’ll stick with just using Luban and manually controlling things but if runout detection now works it’ll be worth some experimentation.

Many thanks!

Runout detection works if you print from Luban over wifi and if you print from Touchscreen.

My last attempt was to call the endstop status every new layer in octoprint and search the terminal for runout or something but this ended in stuttering (even on a raspberry 5).

It needs a firmware change…

A feature request would help,
Email or open a ticket:

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Did some exploring, leaving some notes:

AFAICT, is_filament_runout runout is detected, called from run (and other places, but those are Start/Pause/Resume from the HMI).

It looks like there’s already some logging, I’m not near my machine to play with it, but have you looked at maybe trying to use Terminal Response to monitor for the machine outputting “runout” (seems like it’ll get spit out in the “runout script”), but IDK if all the detection might just not be enabled when you’re not printing from Luban/Touchscreen (Luban actually interfaces w/ the touchscreen which then sends commands to the machine).

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I tried this with terminal response but it’s not printed as filament runout like it’s done while printed from touchscreen.

I even did a triggering of the M119 endstop status every layer and smaller moves to detect the runout but this ends in stuttering because of too much load I guess (even on a raspi 5).

its been a teaser for me that M412 says that "Marlin will respond to a filament runout by running the configured G-code. "

now if we can only tap into that and configure something

Any update on this? It would be really nice if Snapmaker put out an Octoprint plugin and did more Octoprint support since they are going forward with Snapmaker Orca.

There is some community progress in the moment. Let’s see what we get.

Coincidentally, I was working on this basically the exact day you asked @peregrin5 :slight_smile: (it took me a few days to get everything working consistently)