Cura & Dual Extrusion and PVA Support

Hello all,

does anyone already have experience with printing PVA as support with the dual extruder?

I have a handle that requires about 18 hours including support, every now and then the PVA clogs my nozzle. According to support, I have already reduced the standby temperature in Cura. But that has not solved the problem. The PVA is apparently heated in the plastic sleeve of the extruder and then clogs it. When I pull out the PVA it is much thicker than 1.75mm.


I have no personal PVA experience, but reading a bit around recently, it seems that PVA can become nasty when exposed to humidity - it needs to be really dry, So perhaps dry the filament before use.

Also, check your temperatures. Printing too hot seems a common reason for nozzle clogs with PVA.

I think i have a issue in my Gcode. I have print my handle a second time and the issue is on the same layer …

I will check the print a third time with a other PLA.