This is a Luban & Artisan issue but I can’t specify separate build plate inner and outer temperatures, and Luban doesn’t even know that there are multiple zones.
Currently I have to send gcode to Artisan and start on the machine manually while selecting Inner zone, I can’t control that from Luban. Please fix in a subsequent update, thanks.
It seems the workflow is that
1- you set the build plate temp in the material section.
2- In addition, somewhere else you set if the heating is whole build plate or only the inner part.
Which ever part heating you choose (inner only or whole build plate) will reach the temp you set in step 1 above.
I’m new to Luban but that’s what I understood.
Yes, but that’s the problem. Step #2 can only be done locally on the machine. So if you’re in Luban and press “Start on Artisan” instead of “Send to Artisan”, it will heat the entire bed without any choice to change it (even manually during the print).