CONSTANT Thermal Runaway errors

Anyone else having Thermal runaway errors with their A350? No over-exaggeration, out of the last 16 attempted prints, 12 or 13 resulted in Thermal Runaway errors. I asked CS about it and they said there’s nothing wrong with my heated bed. Not sure how my heated bed is working fine if I’ve had over a dozen thermal events in 1 1/2 weeks… It runs about 3-5 minutes, of printing the initial layer, before giving the error… like… WTF???

Within the first 1-1/2 to 2 minutes of printing, the bed drops anywhere from 10-15c in temp. If I don’t get a thermal event error at that point, it will continue to drop as much as 20-27c until my first layer is done, depending on how long the initial layer takes to print. Then when it gets the new (lower) bed temp for the 2nd layer and up, it goes to the new temp and stabilizes.

One of my more extreme bed temp drops, that didn’t actually result in a thermal event, started with the bed at 90c, by the time the first layer was done, the bed temp was down to 63c. When the new temp was sent to the bed for the 2nd layer, the bed temp went back up to 80c and was stabile at that point until it finished.

This is occurring on ASA filament with an initial nozzle temp of 260c and initial bed temp varying between 90-95c.

Until now, I’ve never had a single Thermal Runaway event, and now, it’s almost a guaranteed occurrence. The only major event that happened before this started to occur was damage to the 3d module caused by a horrible blob. The blob melted the fan shroud, the probe sensor and the probe sensor holder. I had to replace the hot end kit as well as the blob worked it’s way up inside the module and completely covered the hot end kit. But that was damage to the 3d module and shouldn’t affect the heated bed. Other than that, nothing of concern has happened to the printer…

I hope someone can shed some light as to what’s happening with this printer…

**Note: One thing I have just noticed is that the first print of the day seems to work, but the subsequent prints, even after letting the printer site for a couple hours (left on and not turned off), results in thermal runaway events. My first print yesterday worked, my following 3 attempts yesterday all failed with thermal errors. Today, my first print completed, my subsequent 2 attempts have failed so far and my printer sat about 3-4 hours before I started a new print and still failed, with printer left on after the 1st successful print.

Have you checked the power cable for the bed for damage? (I assume support would have told you to do so, but just in case.)

Also, the original specs for the Snapmaker2 said the max bed temperature was 75C. I know they later revised that, but I don’t think they actually changed the construction, and I’m wondering if running it for prolonged periods at an unexpectedly high temperature may have done something.

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Actually, all they said was, “The Heated bed should have no issue if it can reach 90℃ when printing the first layer.” Despite the fact that as soon as the printing starts, it immediately loses 15-27c within 1-2 minutes and usually crashes with Thermal Runaway around the 3-4 minute mark.

Another thing to check could be your PID values on the bed, I once messed up the values on the tool head and it caused thermal runaway shutdowns.

Well, there isn’t enough strain relief built into the cable at the bed end, and a lot of people have had issues with damage right where it attaches. Rereading again, your symptoms do sound pretty consistent with the cable wires making good contact while the bed is stationary and coming up to temperature, and then one or more (power or temperature sensor) losing it periodically when the bed starts to move, which could be a broken wire or short.

How did you do that?

One of my first prints for that machine was a cable chain and strain relief for the heated bed wire.

Plus, it doesn’t explain why the temp is stable starting with the 2nd layer and temp change.

By using M301

If you don’t know how to send terminal commands, it’s highly unlikely this is the issue

The only terminal command I’ve ever sent was to calibrate the flow control(?) and I followed a step by step guide :smiley:

Well, Snapmaker support is still pretty much ignoring me about my issue. I think in the last 2-3 weeks, I’ve gotten 2 email replies from them… Basically one email a week with just excuses and no actual troubleshooting. Considering how expensive these machines are, I would expect a little better CS from them…