Constant sales cheapens the brand

If Snapmaker want to come accross as a premium brand, they shouldn’t have permanent fake sales, it looks really cheap and desperate.


I agree - take e.g. the 40W laser module - it literally never has been on the market for its list price - the list price is just fake.

I’d prefer an honest communication here - but this is sales for you. My recommendation: Turn the game around. Ask yourself: What am I willing to pay for such a product? And do not buy unless at some point the price goes below that threshold. Sale and other seem-to-be bargains are just ways to trigger your “want to have” reflex and undermine the pure rational “do I really need this?” considerations.

Seeing the Sale-after-Sale since months I was also wondering: Are they in desperate need for money? It does not convey the gist of a robust company. On the other hand they claim to have sold more than 100.000 devices - that’s impressive and should put them in a robust market position.

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The threshold is hard to set at snapmaker since there is no real competitor for such machine.

But yeah, as a regular customer who do not Check the 4 month sales, i would be disappointed when recognize it. And also when i earlier thought it is worth its price.

Different question, same story:

Did you ever buy a car on it’s list price independent from the brand? I don’t think so

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Well I’ve never bought a new car, but thanks for playing

It depends. A company I worked for did a project with Porsche. My colleagues asked their couterparts at Porsche: Could we get a discount on one of their cars? Answer: A person who drives Porsche does not ask for a discount :grin:

Then your colleagues did something wrong :rofl:

Snapmaker is like lego today. When you buy lego with less then 30% discount, you failed.

It was different in my childhood. Then i was really happy for 15%.