Confusing Temp Tower Result

Trying to print a temp tower to dial in a new spool of PLA and getting confusing issues on the bridge. This isnt stringing. Any ideas how to remedy it?

The one on top looks the best. Try again at a lower temp range?

The bridges don’t look like there’s enough attachment distance, if that’s important then there’s Cura experimental bridging settings to allow you to generate longer attachment points.

Did another run. Used the top temp from the first tower (the best one) as the bottom temp on this run (5C diff between layers). Similar issue on all layers. Just really hard to get a consistently good print on this A350. Not using my own slicer for this, using the teaching tech g-code generator.

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Teaching tech pre-sliced using Simplify3D, and bridging is something that Simplify3D struggles at in comparison to Cura. It only uses 1 filament width of attachment to the perimeter layer, like so, top down:
As such, it struggles to get good bridging on some models where it cannot (or chooses not to) continue straight. This is more a slicer issue than it is a machine issue.

I wouldn’t put much thought into it. Just pick the one that looks the best ignoring bridging. Break the layers apart to check for layer adhesion strength.

Overall I’d say the top 3 look acceptable. There’s a lot less stringing on the stringing tower to the left than the first tower.

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Thank you @brent113!

FYI, here’s a couple tests I did for bridging.

Top is without external cooling (original print head) and bottom is with additional cooling. Both with Cura’s experimental bridging settings (at least they were at the time.

Ultimately, playing around with Cura’s settings with additional cooling I got a temp tower like this:

But I was never able to use Simplify3D or teaching tech to get a perfect bridging one.

Great info @brent113. Curious you mention additional cooling. I was looking into it. I think I have the revised 3D module which I have seen people say does not need the additional cooling? Can u confirm?

Afaik no additional cooling is needed, but I don’t have one.