CNC Spindle Power and Max Feedrate


I’m trying to tweak my spindle speed and feedrate for the materials that I want to CNC. I have found the application GWizard that can help with this. But it requires the Spindle power in hp (Horse Power) and the max feedrate in ipm (inches per minute). Does anyone know the values for this? That would greatly help.


I know power: 50W (~0.07 HP).

Is that output power or input power? As there can be a large difference between the two.

Honestly: Dunno. Suppose you have to ask support about this.

I ask because a motors output power is rarely given in watts, while most electric motors input power is given in watts. Im sure your program wants the motors output power.

This link states 6000 ~ 12000 rpm is the spindle speed of Snapmaker 2.0

Formulae for spindle speeds and feed rates here:

Chip load calculations here:

Many online resources for CNC milling but you probably will have to look into a faster spindle and one that will take quarter inch bits. I have no idea whether Snapmaker are planning to make an adapter for a trim router such as these two; which are quite common in the hobby/maker world:

This may help…


@DVI ddi you get an answer for the settings? Just looking for them for the same reason now as I just downloaded GWizard.
Did GWizard help at all?

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