CNC or laser engraving onto curved surfaces

Is it technically possible? Sure, given you have the clearance and the module won’t bump into the object.
Is it easy/out of the box? Not really. You also need a way to fix and/or rotate your workpiece and make sure you can position correctly. This could be a challenge on it’s own. Especially for pots that aren’t really cylindrical but have different diameters at top & bottom.

You might want to check these topics out too:

And as already mentioned, the rotary module.

And I just remembered this one as well:

there the surface is first “probed” to make a 3d/2.5d map out of it and use that to transform the gcode. Similar to what @Marco did in the first topic I referenced.

So technically possible: yes. Easy? Probably not. But it could make for a really fun project :slight_smile:

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