Change the nozzle diameter reported by the hot end?

I know I can go into Luban and override the programmed nozzle diameter for a Dual Extrusion Module hot end, but is there any way to “reprogram” the hot end to report a different nozzle diameter than it shipped with? Luban suddenly keeps trying to reset the override I specified.

The hotend nozzle size is coded as a resistor on the hotend module. You can unsolder that resistor and replace it with one the matches your nozzle size. I am not aware of a comprehensive list of resitor values for the different sizes, but I guess with the united power of the community we could compile such a list. If you plan to regularly change the nozzle size, you might even consider to solder in a adjustable resistor.
Main caveat: It is a small SMD resistor - changing it requires a minimum of soldering skills.

Gibt es da jetzt inzwischen schon mal Werte oder muss man im Quellcode nachgucken

From the nozzles I own I can give the following values:

  • standard 0.4 mm brass: 2.4 kOhm
  • 0.2 mm brass: 3.3 kOhm
  • 0.4 mm hardened: 330 Ohm

Can anyone add more?

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tysm for this, I soldered my own resistors in (330 for steel) and it works perfectly

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Is there really any point in doing this with the Snapmaker Orca slicer? Is it, or will it be, capable of using the autodetection?