Can't send more than 1 command on terminal via serial connection

hi there
i got an issue
i want to calibrate the flow of extruders
i can enter G1 E50 F300 just 1 time… if i want to test it again… i need to electrical reset the printer

and im always flooded by unknow command M1010, M1012 and M1007

someone have a workaround


You should use relative movement M83 for extruder calibration.

If you use a serial connection over usb, there should be none unknown commands, I guess.
But it’s only when you start the machine, right?

all day long, new usb drivers installed, new ch340 drivers… when i try to connect that tell me that the device are not recognized that do this on 2 computers (printer firmware updated too)

I see you are connected (there are nozzle and bed temperatures), simply choose your machine and go.

constant flood by unknow command M1010, M1012 and M1007
when im serial connected,

That’s because the machine defaults to absolute position mode. You told the machine to go to E50, which it did. Doing it again tells it to go to E50, which it’s already at, so it doesn’t move.

@xchrisd is correct, you will need to be in relative mode to do additional tests.

M1010 is apparently checking for the enclosure status, so that’s Luban checking if you have an enclosure. It saying unknown command is odd, ensure your firmware is fully up to date.
M1012 is checking for the e-stop button.
M1007 is checking axis information to figure out if it’s been homed/where the toolhead is.

Your best bet is to update the firmware on the J1 fully, and updated Luban fully. If it’s still throwing all the errors, contact

latest version on printer and both computers
tried all lenght of usb cables i got, short and long, always same

for the extrude calib i did it, lot of electrical reset but that work

Does Luban even offer a fully functional serial terminal?

Last I checked, you can send commands with it, but most commands did not get their reply shown properly.

This was a year ago, but support told me to use Pronterface for a full terminal. An OctoPrint server also works. Otherwise most commands only replied “ok”. The history of this problem is one of the more absurd ones…

This doesn’t fully answer the expected, actual machine response though. To my knowledge the commands still sent, you just didn’t get the response on the terminal.

via wifi it just tell ok
via usb the terminal are flooded by those errors

even with pronterface i see those error in terminal, but not seeing the Mcode who give those error

2.2.14: c0: 230/t0: 230, c1: 36/t1: 0, cb: 64/tb: 65, sta: 2, excep sta: 0x0, excep beh: 0x0
echo:Unknown command: “;”
echo:Unknown command: “;”
echo:Unknown command: “;”
echo:Unknown command: “;”
echo:Unknown command: “;”
2.2.14: c0: 230/t0: 230, c1: 36/t1: 0, cb: 64/tb: 65, sta: 2, excep sta: 0x0, excep beh: 0x0
echo:Unknown command: “;”
2.2.14: c0: 229/t0: 230, c1: 36/t1: 0, cb: 64/tb: 65, sta: 2, excep sta: 0x0, excep beh: 0x0
2.2.14: c0: 230/t0: 230, c1: 36/t1: 0, cb: 64/tb: 65, sta: 2, excep sta: 0x0, excep beh: 0x0
echo:Unknown command: “;”
2.2.14: c0: 230/t0: 230, c1: 36/t1: 0, cb: 65/tb: 65, sta: 2, excep sta: 0x0, excep beh: 0x0

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Ahhh, yes. With octoprint there are options to suppress certain frequent responses, although some still get through.

This is still good to know though. Luban a year ago only gave “ok” over usb also.

Many of them are for automated monitoring of the system temps, etc.