Cant control bed moving after print

i create simple file to test it

M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
G28 ;home
G90 ;absolute positioning
G1 X-10 Y-10 F3000 G1 X0 Y20 Z0.2 F3000;
M140 S0 M107;
M104 S0 ;extruder heater off
M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off
G1 Z300;

after latest command hotend still moving in “top 330- left 0” position and bed moving forward

its in firmware?
how to disable it?

gcode valid for snapmaker a350

When the print is completed, the machine will back to the Home position and pull the heated bed to the front forward. Then you can remove the print easily. This should be controlled by the firmware.

i undestand WHY its happens…
but i asked - HOW to disable it? besause i dont want to forward the bed after print

I have done some testing for you… All prints with the touchscreen (file saved on the touchscreen and or on the usb-thumb-drive) will end with the finish move Z all up and Bed to the front.

You can do it with a print server (without the touchscreen).
Then you are able to do just your gcode.
This means using octoprint or your PC with luban printing with usb-connection would work.

Hope this helps.

something like octoprint??

Directly printing with usb-connection,- i have edited my last post.- Yes.

thanks, i will try
its better than nothing))) but needs an online pc…

octoprint works like a charm :+1:

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yep, i tried it in SM1))
will setup it on my local linux server that always online)

wait, i have a raspberry pi 4)) its can do octoprint too)

Maybe you should suggest it in the firmware thread to turn on/off start/end gcode. :+1:

i think its a good idea