Bug found in 3axis laser text

I believe I found a bug…

I needed to copy the same text several times in a job I was working on. After exporting to work space all the copied text resorted back the the default “Snapmaker” text. I of course didn’t notice this until the job was 50% complete. Going back into edit, selecting the text boxes displayed the correct text. I was able to recrate the bug. See attached photos 1st is from edit screen, 2nd is from Workspace screen (left txt box is the original).

I also found a second issue where as i went in to clear and manually type the text in each text box (this solved the default text issue), I was un able to keep the text the same size despite the font settings being the exact same. See 3rd photo: 4 sizes of text all with the same font settings I had to unlock and adjust the Transformation “size” as well. (a minor annoyance).

Hope this helps to improve Luban! Otherwise I have been very happy with it so far!


I can reproduce that issue, I’ve reported to the development team.

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