I have recently purchased a new Snapmaker 2 A250 and have also purchased some accessories for it.
However I have noticed that spare parts or replacement parts are showing sold out as Snapmaker reduces stocks in preparation for the release of Artesian. I am concerned that there will be no replacement parts available for ongoing support of the not so old older models? Does anyone know Snapmakers policy on supporting older products or is my A250 a lemon before I even get it out of the box? Thanks
They run a boom/bust cycle… I keep 5-10 nozzles, and 2-5 bed on hand at a time… if I start using them I start looking for more.
The Snapmaker 2.0 is still in production and receiving full support. The availability of parts is, as Mads0100 said, based on the batches that come out of their manufacturing and suppliers.
The Original continued to have parts available on the Store, up until Artisan was announced. Sometime between Artisan’s announcement and release, they disappeared from the store. So I think you’ve got some time before you need to worry.
I haven’t tried contacting support yet, but I imagine they have some parts still in the warehouse someplace. But I expect that pile is getting smaller every day.
But V2 and Artisan are a lot more similar than Original and V2. So maybe there’s some hope that V2 will get a longer supported lifetime. For example, there was talk of back porting some V2 features to Original, but it never happened. At least some of the Artisan features did get backported, so V2 is already getting better support than Original did.