Any powered ports for LED on A350T?

I saw some LED mod on the under the x axis attached bringing some light on the buildplate. Seemed like a good idea. On Thingiverse you can get the files. But no word how to power the ledstrip. I have a few ports not in use, an USB and mini USB available, is there any way to get power from these you think for the LED strip?

Yea, power is power, where do you want to power it from? Wherever you choose either the voltage is what you need or you just get a converter to make it the voltage you need. USB would be easy to interface with as the plugs are standard. Alternatively, get a wall wart and plug into a power strip - those 2 options cover ~100% of how people typically power LED strips.

If you’re looking to make life hard, you could cut up a spare snapmaker cable and convert the 24V power source into whatever you need with some custom circuit.

Even the usb mini is putting out 24V ya? Ah ok. A small converter is an elegant way to do it. Thanks.

I see amazon has 24Volt ledstrips ready made. Doing that. They have a full kit for the Creality Ender which is already 24V and the right size. Marvelous.

USB is 5V. 24V strip would work on a Snapmaker port from the controller or enclosure